Agrivoltaics at Iowa State University
The Alliant Energy Solar Farm at Iowa State University
At Iowa State University, we have initiated a public-private partnership with Alliant Energy on the design and construction of the The Alliant Energy Solar Farm at Iowa State University where we can explore growing crops within and around photovoltaic (PV) panels to quantify the benefits of agrivoltaic practices. At this site we can explore a subset of agricultural activities most amenable to the unique environment of a solar farm, and develop best practices for economic and environmentally sustainable production practices conducted within solar farms designed for mega-watt scale production. This partnership will allow us to estimate the impact of agricultural practices around PV panels on the microclimate and subsequent PV efficiency. We will measure these potential impacts while also analyzing the multiple economic costs and values to developers, utilities, farmers and rural communities affecting agrivoltaic development in the Midwest. We have assembled a multi-disciplinary team, in cooperation with public and private entities, to address the intersecting needs of various stakeholders including but not limited to: PV developers and utilities with contracts for PV, landowners, and farmers interested in agrivoltaics. This DOE funded project will determine if and under what conditions agrivoltaic practices in the Midwest can benefit local food production systems and what resources are needed to assist multiple stakeholders.

Work at the Site
Students setting up the farm site
Farm planning, measuring panel heights, drone mapping, prepping planting beds for fruit, vegetable, and pollinator habitat field trials, greenhouse prep, planting, setting up the apiary, sensor deployment, and much more.